I have 2 clients who share a cable connection that has a modem/router on it. I call this one lan 0, which has dhcp disabled. There are two Cisco/Linksys routers attached to lan0, named Lan1 and Lan 2, with fixed ip addresses in the 0 range and which use the lan0 router as their internet gateway. The routers on lans 1 and 2 function as access points for their respective lans. All the desktop computers and network printers on lan1 have fixed ip addresses in the range, while the equipment hardwired to lan2 have fixed ip addresses in the range.

This all works fine until we introduce wireless connections with dhcp on lans1 and 2. What is happening is that a wireless connection to lan2's ssid will end up picking up a lan1 ip address.

Is there a way to prevent this?

1 Answer 1


The two LANs should have no access to each other whatsoever, so the incorrect IPs must be being generated by the router that is local to that LAN.

I think you probably have a misconfiguration in the DHCP settings on the router.

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