I was using the swftools module for a Drupal 6 site. It was nice as you could place tokens of audio or video files in your text editor and it would be converted to a flash object for you when the page was rendered.

A port for drupal 7 has just started and is realistically probably months away.

What are similar modules for drupal 7 that people recommend using right now?

Some modules that are atleast in development are:


Edit: I have been impressed with the jplayer website. Since drupal has jquery bundled, this might be a good fit. There is a module for D6 to wrap jplayer, but none for 7. I will try the library out out and let you know if it was easy to integrate or not.


1 Answer 1


Try JPlayer module. It's for Drupal 7 and this module provides a wrapper around the jPlayer JavaScript library.

Also Flowplayer has a good benefits (module provides integration with the GPL licensed Flowplayer for Flash video playback).

  • +1 JPlayer for D7 was not in development when I asked my question last year but I imagine it would work - I've been away from drupal lately.
    – brian_d
    Commented Aug 14, 2012 at 19:49
  • Ah, sorry, I didn't release that this question was from last year:) Better later, than never:)
    – kenorb
    Commented Aug 15, 2012 at 19:27

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