I am getting an error as shown in the screenshot.

This started happening after I updated my Mac OS X from 10.6.5 to 10.6.6.

Problem is that Finder stops working 5 mins after the restart and all the other aplications including Xcode 3.2.5, iPhone simulator, safari,etc stops working.

Everytime I have to restart the Mac as all the things hang.

What could be wrong?

What could be a permanent fix for this?

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  • 1
    Do you want to continue with this question or have you already decided to downgrade/reinstall Mac OS X via here?
    – Daniel Beck
    Commented Jan 17, 2011 at 10:51

3 Answers 3


Thanks Guys for all your replies.

Finally had to re-install a fresh copy of Mac OS X 10.6 and upgrade back to 10.6.5. So No fix worked. Had to re-install Mac OS X.

Hope this helps someone. :)


After restarting and before the Finder hangs, open the Console application. It's in /Applications/Utilities. Then take a look for error messages in system.log or other the available logs. If necessary, update your question with additional information from there.

  • @Ned : Thanks for your input. How can I see system.log? Is there any specific command for it. When I type system.log in Terminal it shows Invalid Command. so how can I see system log and other logs Commented Jan 17, 2011 at 8:51
  • By launching the Console application as I suggested; double-click on it. If you have access to a Terminal window, you can look in the various directories where logs reside (you may need administrator privileges). Try: cd /var/log and ls -ltr to see available logs in order of last write time; and more system.log to view the system log, for example.
    – Ned Deily
    Commented Jan 17, 2011 at 8:56

Have you tried a verify disk? You can do this from single user mode or from your install media. The full Apple Article is here, but I've included the important points below. You may also wish to verify and repair permissions. As I'm a newbie, I can't post more than one link :-. There are other guides on how to accomplish that with the diskutil command.

  1. Install Media - GUI
    1. Start computer while holding down the option key. You can then select whether to boot from the hard drive or some other media.
    2. After booting into the installation media, select your language.
    3. Now, find the Utilities menu and select Disk Utility.
    4. You can now select the media on which your operating system is installed.
    5. Now, select "Verify Disk" from "First Aid".
    6. Make some coffee or tea; this might take a while.
  2. Single User Mode - Command Line
    1. Restart the computer.
    2. Right as it starts up again, hold down Command + S.
    3. You should see a black screen as you drop into Single User Mode. You will have root access, so be careful!
    4. You'll run the following command: `/sbin/fsck -fy`.
    5. Make some coffee or tea; this might take a while.
  3. Once the verification is complete, try restarting and see what happens.

I hope this is helpful!

  • Yes I did. But with no success. Finally had to re-install a fresh copy of Mac OS X 10.6 and upgrade back to 10.6.5 Commented Jan 20, 2011 at 4:20

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