Does anyone out there know of a good newsreader that has a command line interface? I really like newsleecher but it is all graphical - I'd prefer to be able to script my queries.

EDIT #1:

As I noted above, my intent was to script my queries. So in reality anything that would automate newsgroup interaction would suffice.

3 Answers 3


Mutt, perhaps.

Or, I bet there is a emacs plugin that does just that.

If you really want to do it hardcore, you can just throw some Python together and do one. It probably won't be that hard.

  • As it seems, the emacs plugin is called 'gnus'. Have a try. Commented Dec 29, 2010 at 6:31
  • I'll have to give it a go. +1 Commented Dec 29, 2010 at 6:41

My intent was to automate my newsreader dl's. I've recently started using an app called sickbeard to do this.

Hope this helps someone else.


Yes, Sickbeard + SabNZBd will do the trick. You might also want to add in a news indexer like NewzNab. Let me know if you need any help.

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