Are there any web sites that serve as gateways for fully encrypted communication? I mean sites with which I can open a secured session, and then to exchange through them with other sites in a secure way both URLs and content?


I was wondering if there was a way to access any site over the Internet (http or https) without letting any Intranet-proxy read the requested URL or the received content.

My question is whether such a site exists, e.g.: I am connected to that site via https, I send it a URL in a secured way, the site gets the content from the target site (possibly in a non-secured way) and returns to me the requested content in a secured way.

  • What do you exactly need? HTTPS already does that without the third site.
    – Krab
    Commented Dec 21, 2010 at 9:55

1 Answer 1


Depends exactly why you want to do this. Content encryption happens through https so don't worry about that.

As to why you want the URL hidden - what is the purpose? If it is anonymity you want, you could look at TOR.

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