I have Outlook 2007 with a single IMAP mail account. I have a number of aliases configured for that account with my provider. Can I default Outlook to use one of those aliases for the "From" and "Reply-to" addresses when sending?

  • Usually, you have a choice of FROM when you add those accounts to Outlook. You could add those aliases and unsubscribe to all folders. Then try replying to an e-mail that was sent to one of your aliases. If your FROM previously was your catchall e-mail, it may change to the correct FROM now.
    – Sun
    Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 15:45

2 Answers 2


Depending on your ISP, you may be able to do the following:

  1. Set your outgoing SMTP server to that of your ISP: Common SMTP Server Addresses
  2. For your IMAP e-mail account, go into the advanced settings and find the Outgoing Server Authentication tab. Put a mark in the radio button that says, "My Outgoing Server requires authentication" and fill in your alias e-mail address and a bogus password.

Depending on how your ISPs SMTP server is setup, it may use this e-mail address as the from or reply-to address when sending mail.

Your mileage may vary.


In the ribbon, select Options, then try select 'Direct Reply' or something like that. Then a dialog box will open and there will be an option to add a new email address.

When the recipient will reply, it will reply to new address provided.

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