I'm working on a development team that uses Trac to maintain a software product that we are developing, and after working with our technical writer, we decided that we should try to put our test procedure documents into our wiki.

Unfortunately, these are all Word docs. Mostly Word 2003. We just converted to Word 2k7, so I have its conversion abilities available.

Does anyone know of a way that I can convert my word documents into wiki-formatted text? I tried looking at Word2Wiki but the app says it doesn't work with Word2k7.

I'm also okay with converting our word documents to another, intermediary format, before converting it to wiki.

4 Answers 4


Forget all those tools.

Microsoft Word allows you to export in HTML. Export HTML, copy-paste, remove 'html' 'head' and 'body' tags, and surround with HTML WikiProcessor.

If the styles don't come through well, try exporting to RTF and using an RTF to HTML converter. Then proceed.

  • +1 for pointing out that you can use this HTML WikiProcessor with Trac. Very cool. However, I am running into issues with style tag that are throwing errors in Trac.
    – J. Polfer
    Commented Aug 20, 2009 at 14:00
  • I tried using the latter option you mentioned, and its much better. Used DocFrac to convert the RTF to HTML. There were a number of characters that didn't translate that well and had to be search&replaced, but that can be automated with sed. Very useful!
    – J. Polfer
    Commented Aug 20, 2009 at 14:17

OpenOffice.org has builtin functionality to export in wiki format. You can also easily convert between Word documents and OOo's .odt format prior to exporting.

File -> Export (set format to MediaWiki)

Wikipedia also has a list of Wiki Tools, coincidentally. Section 6 is what you're interested in.


Since I was unaware that Trac uses a different format, Trac also provides some tools to convert from MediaWiki syntax to Trac syntax. You can use these after using any of the aforementioned tools.


Be sure and check these out:


From Google Groups originally by Jason:

I've used the attached macro (hopefully it doesn't get marked as an unsafe attachment) with success. It is based on a modified version of a macro found here


  • Open Word.
  • Open the Visual Basic Editor (Alt+F11).
  • Select File → Import File... (Ctrl+M) and select Word2Trac.bas.
  • Open a document in Word.
  • Run the macro: Tools → Macros → Macros (Alt-F8), select the macro, and press Run.
  • The conversion will modify the document in-place (don't save it!) and automatically copy the results to the clipboard.
  • Paste the markup into Trac and clean up the markup in whatever way necessary.

I've also used the TracWysiwygPlugin to copy/paste the document. It works decently with most formatting, although it generates horrible and often broken wiki where it adds extra BRs for no reason, adds loads of extra spaces (which doesn't affect output but affects source), and sometimes deletes the spaces between words making a huge runon word.

I usually use the wysiwyg plugin to paste and then correct the output by hand, but I use the macro too sometimes, which works usually perfectly for the content that it supports.

  • Oops I only just now notice the Word2Trac script is in Arathorn's answer :-(
    – Ivo Flipse
    Commented Aug 18, 2009 at 4:12

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