I state the model number because generally you would type ALT + to type a letter from another language. But you would have to use the numerical pad with NumLock on.

Most laptops usually have the numerical pad over the letters, which can be accessed using the Fn key. The XPS studio 16 doesn't.

I was wondering, does anyone know anyway to type Spanish accents (accents of any language) without access to the numerical pad?

4 Answers 4


Set your keyboard layout to "US International" and certain keys become "dead keys" (~n -> ñ, 'e -> é, etc.). You'll need to double up to enter the character normally though ("" -> "), so you can use a keystroke to switch between keyboard layouts for when you don't need the accents.

  • that's awesome thanks! What I've done is set it as a separate keyboard layout. And then I can put different shortcut keys to switch between the languages.
    – RoboShop
    Commented Nov 14, 2010 at 11:19
  • Does this help for typing upside question or exclamation marks? (like ¿ or ¡) Commented Jul 26, 2020 at 1:46

For just the occasional character or symbol CopyPasteChar.com is a neat solution and for re-assignation of a keys autohotkey (involves some simple macro coding) does the job.


In fact you can type ñ by hitting shift ~ n Try it. There must be more... (like accents)


That worked for me:

Go to Settings from the Windows icon at bottom left. Click on Time and Language, then Region and Language.

You should see something like English (United States). Click on it and a button labeled Options will appear.

Click on the Options button. Now you will see an option to Add a Keyboard (or Add an Input Method). Click on that and then scroll down the list until you see United States International. Click to add it to your language bar (should be in the system tray).

After that:
~ + n -> ñ
' = a -> á

I found this here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-start/us-international-keyboard-for-windows-10/f0dc89e9-2373-42af-bb2e-f50b8a69a13a?auth=1

  • This duplicates another answer (the accepted answer) and adds no new content. Please don't post an answer unless you actually have something new to contribute.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented May 12, 2016 at 9:36

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