Sometimes, I have a window on my secondary monitor that I want on my primary (and vice versa).

On my Windows 7 PC, I can press Windows key + Shift + Arrow Left to move the screen right to left. The inverse does what you'd expect.

Is there something similar to this on OS X?


  • I'd really love for this feature to be available as well. I went searching right now to even identify what this Windows functionality was referred to as, apparently its Aero Snap so the question can be restated as does macOS have an equivalent to Window's Aero Snap
    – jxramos
    Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 19:04

1 Answer 1


There is no "built-in" support for this that I know of. You could download a third-party application that can do this, though - for example, SizeUp can do it, but costs $13.


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