I want to install some Debian distributions (Grip, Crush, Lenny...) for arm / armel architectures.


I'm referring to this guide:


The problem I have is that I don't have internet connection with My Linux VM or Qemu I am behind a Proxy. I want to know is there a way where I can dl all the needed files and save them to disk that I don´t need an I.c. during the installation? I am working under Windows now.

  • 8 questions isn´t much?
    – Gobliins
    Commented Oct 5, 2010 at 7:09
  • Well i am working on arm boards + c# development and i am totally new on embedded systems.
    – Gobliins
    Commented Oct 5, 2010 at 7:13

1 Answer 1


Possibly a local repository mirror?

Also there appears to be a syntax for describing local apt sources ala file:/my/local/apt/repo stable main contrib non-free but I can't find apt-get docs, also this is not just dumping a buch of debs, its setting up a repo that happens to be on the local filesystem(or on cd/dvd).

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