Somebody embedded a picture from this site in a post of his in a web forum I frequent. The picture appears normally. When I try to browse to its naked domain name (under "URL" below), I get this warning from AVG Free under Windows XP:

Danger: AVG Active Surf-Shield has detected active threats on this page and has blocked access for your protection.

The page you are trying to access has been identified as a known exploit, phishing, or social engineering web site and therefore has been blocked for your safety. Without protection, such as that in the AVG Security Toolbar and AVG, your computer is at risk of being compromised, corrupted or having your identity stolen. Please follow one of the suggestions below to continue.

URL: pics DOT blameitonthevoices DOT com
Name: Script Injection (type 370)

Am I at risk for having the picture from that site appearing in my browser? The (obfuscated) URL of the pic is "http COLON SLASH SLASH pics DOT blameitonthevoices DOT com SLASH 042010/peta_facts.jpg"

1 Answer 1


"Script Injection"

There is a malicious script running on that web page, I suggest you don't go there.

The owner of the website may or may not know it is serving malicious scripts.

Firefox has a add on called No Script, which will block scripts by default.



  • +1 explanation AND solution ;-) With blocked scripts you should see the picture but the malicious script won´t be running.
    – Diskilla
    Commented Sep 9, 2010 at 1:09

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