I have a Proxmox cluster that contains several Ubuntu Server 22.04 VMs, and I just created a new XCP-NG "cluster" - both of these are separate (I.E. One is not replacing the other.) I was able to pull one of my Ubuntu VMs from Proxmox, convert it into a virtual disk image, and then import it into XCP-NG. Once I got it running, the VM now does not have any network connection whatsoever. I could see that my router did detect the machine being connected to it, and it even assigned it an IP address - but the VM never actually connected. ifconfig only shows the loopback address. ifconfig output when no network connection

I was able to bring back network connectivity by using sudo dhclient eth0 and then was able to sudo apt install Network-Manager while I was connected. However upon reboot, I once again did not have connection to the network. The Network Adapter is enabled in XOA's interface, and it was showing as "Connected" despite having no connection to the network. Network Manager is active and running even when the network connection is not working. I was able to confirm that the NetworkEnable setting was set to true, but I don't fully remember where I found this and for the life of me I can't find it again.

The VM is running off a Dell Optiplex 3050 Micro which is connected via Ethernet to my 24 port switch. If I create a new Ubuntu VM and install from scratch, this is not an issue - so whatever the problem is, it has to be within the VM itself.

Does anyone know what this might be, and how I can fix it?

P.S. - The question linked Here was not the answer - I do not have the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, however I believe this is a similar issue.


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