I have this painful issue where I'm gone for holiday (1-2 weeks) and even for a weekend (barely 2 days) my PC gets really slow and I'm suspecting SSD.

enter image description here

Everything seems so slow despite boot being fast as usual. One more thing I noted is that when I copy a file during this "slow period" it usually ramps up to 80MB/s speed and then suddenly drops to less than 5MB/s and stays there for a while like frozen. I use Windows 11 so that could be another issue because MC keeps pushing its garbage software as seen in task manager screenshot 2. I don't use lightning fast SSD either, Adata SU630 I think, it's more than enough for me but I want it to run at average speeds because then there's no point in switching to NVME or something faster because the issue will persist.

Sometimes during this period it also takes painfully long to shut down but I figured out editing one registry value would make it shut down faster by not checking for all active/open programs and that improved shut down massively.

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  • Is everything still slow if you boot into Safe Mode?
    – Ramhound
    Commented 2 days ago
  • 1
    MC keeps pushing its garbage software as seen in task manager screenshot I see no MC garbage - what are you referring to specifically? Commented 2 days ago
  • @JaromandaX I am referring to "Edge installer" and "Anti-malware service". Okay I expected that win defender starts its updates/scans but I definitely did not expect to see Edge installer and it taking 50% of drive performance at times. I don't even use Edge, I definitely didn't run it so it must be some sort of automated process. Commented 2 days ago
  • 1
    You have a DRAM-less SSD, which is likely the cause of the slowdown when transferring large files. Your drive uses some of its QLC NAND flash to act in SLC mode to speed things up, but once it filled that SLC cache, performance will come down noticeably. If its then also doing +-50MB/sec of random read/writes in the background like in your screenshot, then you may well see a performance plummet like you describe. It's not really microsoft's fault and its temporary in nature by either the end of the background updates or the file copy.
    – Silbee
    Commented 2 days ago
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    @DaniloJonić - that seems sufficient, I was asking because any SSD will get slow if it at some point has no space to 'wiggle'. Assuming 32 GB overprovisioned + 140 GB free should be enough. Check if TRIM is enabled and perhaps tell defrag to TRIM free space. See if it makes a difference. Commented 17 hours ago


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