I would like to host a guestbook for our home for visitors to use to post messages and photos.

In my router settings I can use a DNS to forward guestbook.example to my local IPv4 adress, 192.XXX.XXX.XXX.

On my laptop I am hosting a web app, which apparently listens only on IPv6 adresses, [::1]. I think this comes with the technology that I am using to write this app. It took some time to figure out that this was happening, but basically I could view the app in localhost, but not in 192.XXX or Netstat revealed the app was listening on [::1]:80.

Because (I think) my LAN does not support IPv6, and (I think) I cannot make my app listen to IPv4 192.X, I would like to get some suggestions on how to "forward" (bind? proxy?) incoming traffic on the IPv4 to my IPv6 listener.

The app runs on Gleam (Erlang). As I am using this project to get to learn the language, I would like to stick with it. If that makes my web app idea impossible, also let me know :)

  • ::1 is loopback. If you app listens only on loopback and can't be configured, it's a very strong indication that it's a development tool not meant for hosting anything for production. Furthermore, home/end user questions are offtopic on serverfault.
    – vidarlo
    Commented 2 days ago
  • it sounds like your application either needs to be reconfigured to listen on or your LAN IP, or set up so it can be accessed by a reverse proxy on the server. this is common for frameworks like angular or node.js Commented 2 days ago


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