
I'm no expert on computers like most of of y'all probably are. But my phone has been hacked and nothing I do removes the hacker. It took hours just to reset my phone to factory settings and it looks reset until u go to settings & there I can see all my old apps. I looked in my phone logs & it shows me when I was hacked. I bought an anti virus & anti spy app. But they didn't help. I don't even know if I bought the real apps. Every single one of my accounts are hacked. I don't know why,they're not stealing my money. I don't have any to steal. I'm a 47 yr.old Grandma on disability so what is the reason? I don't understand. I see in the logs that the hacker made it to where I can't even reset the phone. I can change my passwords but that's just a waist of time. I tried to save a contact to my Sim card & it said my Sim was full,that's the first time I've ever tried to save anything to my SIM card it shouldn't be full.I think the only way I'm ever going to get rid of the hacker is to just buy a new phone and never log into those accounts again but then all my information's there all my pictures video of my grandbaby being born. I just need any type of advice or direction to remove him or whoever it is.

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  • 2
    We do not support mobile phones here. You should go to a professional.
    – Mokubai
    Commented Jun 29 at 19:31


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