I use Gentoo for my desktop. I tried downloading and compiling the plugin source, but it has heavy dependencies for only one function, so I downloaded the precompiled deb.

The filter shows in webcam source filters, however it doesn't work. The terminal shows me this error:

info: [Virtual BG detector] detecter_create version:v1.2.0
error: [Virtual BG detector] Can't create session No graph was found in the protobuf.
info: Switched to scene 'Scene'

Is there something other than having to compile the source with all it's dependencies that could be done?

1 Answer 1


That plugin is no longer updated. You didn't mention any versions of it or OBS, but doesn't matter - there are better alternatives.

For example obs-backgroundremoval. It has e.g. Flatpak support, which should make it generally available on various Linux distros. It also has a lot more features, such as filter settings that allow adapting how much of the background is removed or if it should be blurred instead. And to have a different background you use it in the same way, layered on top of the new background.

  • I use OBS 30.1 Gentoo. I'm not a big fan of GNU/Linux binaries due to the incompatibility issues they come with, and the possibility some of their functions deactivated for any possible reason. I used the deb package in this case as last resort, and I was wondering if the error that I got was from something I could resolve or not. I checked on backgroundremoval filter, and it has the same dependencies as virtualbg so I resorted for the latter. I didn't try it's binary however!
    – Deyaa
    Commented 23 hours ago

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