Let's suppose I have cells in Excel with time duration data from a website, copied and pasted in a text file. The format is (hh:mm:ss), like 00:16:30 (equivalent to 0 hours, 16 minutes, and 30 seconds). However, upon opening the text file in Excel, the format switches to (mm:ss:hh), displaying 16:30:00, which Excel reads as (16 hours, 30 minutes, and 0 seconds). How can this problem be fixed or how can the cell be reflected or reversed?

1 Answer 1


Here is one way you could try:

enter image description here


Updated solution based on OP's edit after the initial answer was posted

enter image description here


Per OP:

Thank you for your prompt reply and sorry for any inconvenience. I am sure I am missing something, your solution didn't work for me. the cells is a custom format 16:30 is readed by excel 4:30:00 PM !!!

Dont see any issues here still, working on my end!

enter image description here

With general value as 0.6875

enter image description here

The given formula still working!!

Posting a screenshot of the file sent by OP over Discussions Chat:

enter image description here

  • sorry I have updated my problem .. your solution didnt work either, maybe i am missing somthing
    – hsawires
    Commented Jun 27 at 8:04
  • Your query was something else, now once an answer was posted you changed the query altogether!, This can also be amended! Commented Jun 27 at 8:05
  • @hsawires please check the updated answer! Commented Jun 27 at 8:07
  • Thank you for your prompt reply and sorry for any inconvenience. I am sure I am missing something, your solution didn't work for me. the cells is a custom format 16:30 is readed by excel 4:30:00 PM !!!
    – hsawires
    Commented Jun 27 at 8:18
  • @hsawires could you make it a general value and show me what is it showing? Commented Jun 27 at 8:21

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