I am trying to hide the content of the notifications on my screen while using the device (not on the lock screen). I looked in the settings but couldn't find anything. I also tried editing the registry but don't know much about that.

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  • 2
    Would Presentation Mode be useful? "When you enable presentation mode, your device stays awake and system notifications are turned off." winaero.com/enable-presentation-mode-windows-10 That temporarily disables notifications completely. Commented Jun 26 at 17:05
  • I don't want to completely hide the notifications; I just want to hide the content within them. For example, if there's a notification from Chrome, I want it to show that there's a notification from Chrome, but not display the detailed content of the notification.
    Commented Jun 27 at 10:27
  • That would have to be a setting in Chrome, not in Windows. Firefox, for example, lets one set the language for notifications. Perhaps you can have notifications shown in Miðgarðr or Vulcan? Commented Jun 27 at 16:01
  • chrome does not have that setting is there any other way
    Commented Jun 28 at 6:17


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