
First and foremost, forgive me if any of the following command returns are too vague or missing; I'm typing this up partly from screenshots and partly from memory. Happy to run any or all of them again or further requested commands to get more accurate results.

When I try to boot, I get a black screen that says "Preparing Automatic Repair," then "Diagnosing your PC," and then "Attempting Repairs," and then "Automatic Repair couldn't repair your PC" on a blue screen. There are two buttons: Shut down and Advanced options.

I tried Startup Repair via Advanced Options, but it said

Startup Repair couldn't repair your PC

I then tried

X:\windows\system32>sfc /scannow
Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and repaired them. Details are included int he CBS.Log windir/Logs/CBS/CBS.log. The system file repair changes will take effect after the next reboot.

On reboot, it booted into Automatic Repair again:

Automatic Repair couldn't repair your PC

After disabling automatic repair on launch, it says:

A required file is missing or contains errors. File: \Windows\system32\winload.exe Error code: 0xc000000f. Choose one of the options below to address this problem: Esc for recovery, Enter to try again, or F8 for startup settings.

The following is a series of further command prompt commands I input with their outputs:

X:\windows\system32>bootrec /fixmbr
The operation completed successfully.

X:\windows\system32>bootrec /fixboot
The operation completed successfully.

X:\windows\system32>bootrec /scanos
The operation completed successfully.
Total identified Windows installations: 0

X:\windows\system32>bootrec /rebuildbcd
The operation completed successfully.
Total identified Windows installations: 0

X:\windows\system32>bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr
Successfully updated NTFS filesystem bootcode.
Successfully updated disk bootcode.
Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes.

I rebooted at this point and it still said:

A required file is missing or contains errors. File: \Windows\system32\winload.exe Error code: 0xc000000f. Choose one of the options below to address this problem: Esc for recovery, Enter to try again, or F8 for startup settings.

I then booted from the Windows 8.1 installation media and ran the following commands:


X:\Sources>list volume
Volume 0: E: CD-ROM
Volume 1: C: System Rese Partition
Volume 2: D:             Partition


X:\Sources>copy E:\mount\Windows\System32\winload.exe D:\Windows\System32\winload.exe
File(s) copied successfully.

I then rebooted and faced the same:

A required file is missing or contains errors. File: \Windows\system32\winload.exe Error code: 0xc000000f. Choose one of the options below to address this problem: Esc for recovery, Enter to try again, or F8 for startup settings.

I then tried the following:

X:\Sources>ren C:\boot\bcd bcd.old
The system cannot find the file specified.

X:\Sources>bootrec /rebuildbcd
Successfully scanned Windows installations.
Total identified Windows installations: 0

X:\Sources>bcdboot D:\Windows /s C: /f ALL
Failure when attempting to copy boot files.

X:\Sources>chkdsk D: /f /r
Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems. Failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50.

X:\Sources>bcdboot D:\Windows /s C: /f ALL
Failure when attempting to copy boot files.

SMART of the physical NVMe drive:

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)
Critical Warning:                   0x00
Temperature:                        47 Celsius
Available Spare:                    100%
Available Spare Threshold:          5%
Percentage Used:                    4%
Data Units Read:                    9,859,927 [5.04 TB]
Data Units Written:                 16,673,644 [8.53 TB]
Host Read Commands:                 97,689,854
Host Write Commands:                172,173,688
Controller Busy Time:               696
Power Cycles:                       1,055
Power On Hours:                     6,065
Unsafe Shutdowns:                   208
Media and Data Integrity Errors:    0
Error Information Log Entries:      1,365
Warning  Comp. Temperature Time:    0
Critical Comp. Temperature Time:    0
Temperature Sensor 1:               47 Celsius
Temperature Sensor 2:               55 Celsius
Temperature Sensor 8:               47 Celsius

Error Information (NVMe Log 0x01, 16 of 16 entries)
Num   ErrCount  SQId   CmdId  Status  PELoc          LBA  NSID    VS
  0       1365     0  0xb00c  0x4005  0x028            0     0     -

Commands requested:

X:\Sources>bcdedit /export "D:/Desktop_BCD_backup_June_2024.bcd
The operation completed successfully.

X:\Sources>bcdedit /enum

Screenshot of bcdedit /enum results

X:\Sources>bcdedit /v /enum

Screenshot of bcdedit /v /enum results

D:\>dir \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Volume in drive D has no label

11/21/2014 10:03 AM 262,295,788 winload.exe

Full results of D:>dir \Windows\system32\winload.exe

  • "Total identified Windows installations: 0" .. Commented Jun 26 at 19:56
  • From within WinRE run the following command and update your question with the appropriate amount of information. 1. bcdedit /export "D:/Desktop_BCD_backup_June_2024.bcd Due to the BCD being corrupted I am not expecting that command to work but if it does it means there might be a way to solve your problem
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 26 at 20:07
  • Since you were able to export the BCD. Try listing the data by running bcdedit /v /enum. I assume Windows 8.1 was installed in Legacy Mode not UEFi mode?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 26 at 20:20
  • Do your BCD isn’t corrupt. So trying to rebuild it isn’t necessary. Navigate to D: and display the file size of so load.exe the location of that file is \Windows\system32\winload.exe
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 26 at 20:45
  • Looks like winload.exe is 262,295,899 bytes, per the result of D:\>dir \Windows\system32\winload.exe. Uploading the screenshot momentarily. Commented Jun 26 at 20:49


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