
I have an internal site that uses http and is not configured for https. I am using Chrome 126.0.6478.61 and Edge 126.0.2592.56.Chrome start redirecting to https for my site last week so I switch to Edge and now that browser is trying to redirect to https too. I always the bookmark that is http to open the page.

I have cleared the cache and cookies from both browsers, restarted my computer, made sure automatic redirects settings were off, removed any hsts policies. I am unsure what else to try. Could my company have set a setting I am not aware of? I do not have direct access to the website server but could something have changed there?

  • Chromium based browsers have preferred HTTPS for several years, did you only recently, update your browsers?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 17 at 21:25
  • To add on to what Ramhound said, many browsers are moving from preferring HTTPS, to requiring it, or warning if it is not supported. You mention a company, and this means that you need to speak with your company's IT staff as well. It is possible they have applied a force-HTTPS policy to your browser, and they will also be responsible for enabling access to your site. Commented Jun 17 at 21:30
  • Well-known issue, showing no research. See guidingtech.com/… Commented Jun 17 at 21:31
  • IT does the updating for everything. I agree it is well documented and I have tried doing those steps 3 or 4 times. Thanks for the link though. Incognito and private browsing mode are not working either
    – fzfg1000
    Commented Jun 17 at 21:34
  • @fzfg1000 Using incognito on a work network or a work computer may not give you the results you expect. When you're on the company network or using a company-supplied system, never expect that what you do will be private. The company firewall can decrypt any https data at will.
    – doneal24
    Commented Jun 17 at 22:26


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