When I plug in any external drive, the drive name keep showing as E: PANDORY, which I did rename one drive to in the past, but they used to show up as the blank name of the drive manufacturer, how do I change this to just show correct drive names as per original?

  • 1
    Just right click on the drive, choose the option to change the name, and delete the text. Drive name is linked to the letter associated not a physical drive.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 14 at 4:27

1 Answer 1

  1. Revert Drive Names: To show original manufacturer names instead of "E: PANDORY," right-click the drive, go to Properties, and rename it under the General tab.

  2. Correcting Drive Names: Change the display name back to the original manufacturer's name by updating it in the drive's Properties.

  3. Fixing Drive Labels: Adjust the drive name from "E: PANDORY" to its original manufacturer's title through the Properties menu.

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