Kali Linux has some problems, can you help me in detail to solve these problems? I am using Kali Linux version 2020.2.

  1. I write sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade, it doesn't update and doesn't upgrade. Reading package list... Done All packages up to date. He gives it as an Output. So there are no updates and upgrades.

  2. I want to download and install virtualbox through the terminal. For this, I type sudo apt install virtualbox or sudo apt install virtualbox -y in Terminal, but it gives an error. Virtualbox-7.0 Debian-bullseye [Not candidate version] E: Package 'virtualbox' has no installation candidate. I'm trying so hard to solve these errors, I'm looking on the internet. But it doesn't work. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list This file is empty.

  • 1
    Please ask one question at a time. What makes you think the first point is a problem? It tells you everything is up to date. What do you expect differently?
    – Kissaki
    Commented May 25 at 8:59
  • The Kali package virtualbox does exist. Did you disable/Do you not have enabled the corresponding package repository contrib?
    – Kissaki
    Commented May 25 at 9:01
  • 5
    Have you enabled networking? Kali ships with networking disabled by default. More importantly, why are you using Kali? Kali is not a normal operating system, it is a professional pentesting tool and shouldn't be used as an operating system. Why would you ever install a VM on a Kali machine? Please read Should I use Kali? from the official Kali docs. Any Linux can do everything Kali can do if you just install a couple of packages, so if you're learning, please use a normal distro.
    – terdon
    Commented May 25 at 13:39
  • 2

2 Answers 2


I am using Kali Linux version 2020.2.

Kali uses rolling upgrades to implement updates. Version 2020 is too old for rolling updates to work.

The current version of Kali is 2024.2.

(1) Try to fix it:

sudo apt-get update --fix-missing ... to get missing updates.

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ... to install new dependencies.

You may have to restart and run " --fix-missing" again.

(2) If the first method fails:

You will need install Kali fresh from the new version.

Footnote: I have Kali in two different environments: VMware and Hyper-V. Both were V2024.1 and neither would update properly (V2024.2 had been released). I ran the fix command above twice with a restart in between, and both are updating properly.


The apt sources are configured alternatively/in combination in /etc/apt/sources.list and list files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder.

If sources.list is empty, make sure your have the package sources you want/intend to have in sources.list.d folder list files.

If all of them are empty, you should restore them to their original content.

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