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I had malware and now I'm getting:

"Some of these settings are hidden or managed by your organization" after malware

On the App screen in Windows under settings. I had this in Chrome and Edge and was able to get rid of them, but I don't know how to get rid of this one. I am using Windows 10 home, so I don't have the group policy editor.

I believe I need to remove registry keys, but I don't know which ones or where.

I'm not sure if this message hurts anything, since malware bytes and Avast killed the underlying malware, but I would like to remove it if I can.

Deleting "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\SmartScreen" fixed it! I'm not sure what those key/values did, because the one value was just a number and the other one was just the word Anywhere. The other ones in Chome and Edge actually contained like urls and file paths.

Thanks guys!


1 Answer 1


The Group Policy settings are just Registry entries, so they can be changed using Regedit.

  • Press Windows, type rege, and select Regedit.

  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\SmartScreen.

  • There are two values in that key,

    • ConfigureAppInstallControl, currently set to Anywhere
    • ConfigureAppInstallControlEnabled, currently set to zero.

    Those values may be deleted , or even the whole key, SmartScreen.

That should return control of Apps & Features to you.

Caveat: Despite scanning with two anti-malware suites, there could still be remnants of that malware left, such as a backdoor. Consider scanning with yet another tool (check that the utility has a good reputation), and also reinstalling Windows, keeping files.

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