I have setup Remote Desktop successfully on ubuntu 22.04 and have been able to login from a Windows 10 PC using the native RDP client. However, after a day or so, I received a 'fail to connect'. After checking that my firewall settings and IP address were still the same, I finally tried turning the Remote Desktop toggle off and on again on the ubuntu machine. This fixed it, and I was able to login with RDP from the windows machine again. Unfortunately this is not a sufficient fix, as it requires physical access to the machine. Does anyone know what causes it to stop working and how to prevent that? It almost seems like a hidden timeout setting that keeps the visual toggle 'on'.

  • I do this and it works fine. Did you install XRDP on Ubuntu? DId you set it up and enable it? Did you start it? And do you start it after each logoff or restart?
    – anon
    Commented May 15 at 22:49
  • @john, I haven't installed XRDP or anything through the command line, I only used the desktop gui.
    – DaReal
    Commented May 16 at 15:39
  • And I have not logged out since it was setup, so that is probably not the cause.
    – DaReal
    Commented May 16 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


Try installing and using XRDP:

  1. Install XRDP -> sudo apt install xrdp
  2. Enable XRDP -> sudo systemctl enable xrdp
  3. Start the XRDP service (must be started each time Guest is started) -> sudo systemctl start xrdp

Since the machine is remote but you have to run updates anyway and restart from time to time, also put sudo systemctl start xrdp in the startup sequence to ensure it starts.

This is probably the best way to go for reliability.

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