I have a Western Digital My Book 4TB external USB drive.

If I attempt backup using the tar command

tar cvf - . | ( cd $bkdir ; tar xvpf - )

I have no problem performing the backup.

If I attempt the backup using the rsync command, it hangs after a while, with no indication of why.

The rsync command which I used for the last 8 years without problems (with a secondary internal disks as target) is the following:


cd /${source}

rsync --one-file-system \
    --recursive \
    --links \
    --perms \
    --times \
    --group \
    --owner \
    --devices \
    --specials \
    --verbose \
    --out-format="%t|%i|%M|%b|%f|" \
    --update \
    --checksum \
    --delete-during \
    --whole-file \
    --human-readable \
    --protect-args \
    --ignore-errors \
    --msgs2stderr \
    ./ ${media}/${MirrorROOT}/${source}/ 2>${media}/Z_backup.${source}.err |
    tee ${media}/Z_backup.${source}.out

mv ${media}/Z_backup.${source}.out ${media}/${MirrorROOT}/Z_backup.${source}.out
mv ${media}/Z_backup.${source}.err ${media}/${MirrorROOT}/Z_backup.${source}.err

### End-of-Batch

Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?

1 Answer 1


I resolved my problem (dated 2020) a while back, kept checking to see if there were any other postings related to this and did not find anything specific.

So ... I wrote up an "ARTICLE" outlining the issue encountered and the details on how I went about resolving that issue. I felt is was to complicated to try to post it here, in the manner that I felt it needed to be presented in, so I will simply post the link to the PDF offering the detailed outline of how I resolved the issue.

I apologize for not having posted this earlier, but here it is:

I hope someone else finds this useful.

  • This answer is not searchable. Please extract the post and publish natively. Commented May 11 at 20:50
  • Sorry, but I won't be doing that. Commented May 11 at 21:13

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