After making a Windows 10 bootable drive, I soon realised that the Windows installer could not find identify the main drive within my laptop to install Windows on. I assume this is due to the nature of the drive not being in the NTFS format.

How would I go about formatting the entire drive to the NTFS format while having my Linux Mint installed on it.

enter image description here

  • 1
    "How would I go about formatting the entire drive to the NTFS format while having my Linux Mint installed on it." - You wouldn't; You need to identify the file system you used for Linux and install a third-party driver to support that file system. Linux to my knowledge CANNOT be installed to NTFS partition, it supports and read NTFS, but only to store data on. You might consider a VM or WSL if you need access to Linux application and their data while within Windows instead of a dual booting linux and Windows. Why did you tag this question with a Windows 7 tag?
    – Ramhound
    Commented May 10 at 18:43
  • I removed the false tag, thanks for the help.
    – n9wiff
    Commented May 10 at 18:45
  • And the Windows installer not "recognizing" (this needs clarification) has nothing to do with the file system of the partitions already there but often a mismatch between its requirements for different modes (GPT for UEFImode; MBR for Legacy/CSM"BIOS" mode). That means if you boot the installer in one mode but the drive is partitioned for the other it'll NOT let you select that drive for installation nor manage it by deleting partitions. Commented May 10 at 18:47
  • You need to check that then edit the question with a screenshot of Disks or Gparted showing the drive layout and then explain what exactly you want to do, replace Mint, dual-boot or what? Commented May 10 at 18:49
  • 1
    Remove all partitions, then, and install Windows from ISO, letting it repartition the drive. Do not format the whole drive NTFS, since the EFI partition would be FAT32. That said, has Windows 10 ever been installed? If not, you'll need to get a license. Commented May 10 at 20:41


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