My internet provider has occasional issues and the modem that is a DHCP server for my computers leaves me without a local network until their issue is resolved. So I figured if I put a router (with a DHCP server and disable the DHCP server on the modem) between the computers and the modem I can keep my LAN on while the modem is off. I don't want to change the IP addresses of the computers that are now 192.168.0.x so how do I do that correctly?

  • Do not add a second DHCP server on the same LAN. Nothing will work properly. If the ISP internet is out , the LAN should still work.
    – anon
    Commented Apr 18 at 20:41
  • You may be able to do the following: Get a main router, assign 192.16.0.x to the LAN, attach all devices to this router. Make sure all works. Connect the WAN port of this router to your ISP Modem. That will give you internet. This works for me. Test it and let me know.
    – anon
    Commented Apr 18 at 20:56
  • John, I don't want the DHCP server of the modem because the LAN goes down every time the internet provider has issues - this is why I want to add the router, so that the router keeps my LAN up. If I just connect the computers to the router and I give it the same IP as the modem - it will work, but what happens when I connect the modem to the router and the modem has the same IP as the router?
    – B Viana
    Commented Apr 18 at 21:30
  • A router cannot function properly when its WAN IP and LAN IPs are in the same range. unless you can change the ISPs dhcp server to use a different IP address for the WAN network, you will not be able to make this change without changing the LAN IP addresses. one of the two has to change. I also do recommend against using (and other common device default IP addresses) because they can make creating VPN connection between sites very difficult, but that is up to you. Commented Apr 18 at 21:34
  • The Router can have the Modem's IP subnet on its WAN and that will be different than on the LAN which can be 192.168.0.x
    – anon
    Commented Apr 18 at 21:45


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