I have an Edgerouter X as router and a Fritzbox as access point. The ER-X shows a different ip address for the fritzbox than what the fritzbox itself show in its own network settings. Also the fritzbox web-ui is not reachable via the ip that ER-X is showing.

For example in my case
The DHCP Lease (inside ER-X UI) shows the access points ip address as
The AP web-ui is accessible (only with devices directly connected to it) via the ip

Should it be like that? I cant reach the Access Points UI with my Computer that is connected to the router, should it be also accessible from there?

  • 2
    it sounds like the fritzbox is acting as a router, not an access point. if you aren't intentionally trying to have two networks, then try reconfiguring it into AP mode Commented Apr 16 at 23:50
  • yes you were right! Unfortunately the fritzbox's docs weren't very specific about the configurations. But I got it working now and also see all Wifi devices in the edgerouter settings. Thanks for your help
    – hadamard
    Commented Apr 17 at 21:33


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