
I need to go to 'advanced boot options' because I have a problem with my Windows 7 computer that doesn't let me log into my computer.

I saw a video how to fix it, and I have to go to advanced boot options and safe mode but the issue here is that when I follow one of the first steps which is to restart and press the f8 key it brings me to windows recovery and I don't want that! I want advanced boot options!


1 Answer 1


You have only have a few choices here.

(1) If needed, you could try to back up the drive and install Windows 7 fresh. The issue with this is that Windows 7 no longer updates properly so you will not have a good system going this route.

(2) Windows 7 is now over a decade old and likely the computer is roughly a decade old as well. Windows 7 is also a serious (not correctable) security risk.

(3) Test your main drive and then try installing Windows 10 (still is support for about a year).

Go to the Microsoft Media Creation Link and download the Windows 10 ISO on to a USB Key. Run Setup from the USB Key to install Windows 10. Windows 10 will update properly.

(4) Consider a new (Windows 11) computer. This also applies if upgrading to Windows 10 does not work.


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