I use WSL 2 extensively. When my computer monitors go to sleep, the layout of the X windows from WSL can get messed up - they are half rendered offscreen, I can't move them etc.

If I go to windows graphics settings and slightly rearrange my monitors, it seems to reset/relayout all the windows in such a way that the X windows all become usable again.

My question is: is there a CLI command I can fire off (on Windows) to target the built-in Windows 10 X windows server to tell it to do this relaying out? What is the name of the built-in X server?

Thank you.

  • 1
    I'm still looking for the exact mechanism but I'm 40% sure it'll go through WM_SETTINGCHANGE or some other similar broadcast message – and it's probably invoked from the Windows side for its Wayland-to-RDP bridge. Commented Mar 25 at 8:59
  • 1
    "What is the name of the built-in X server?" - It's XWayland using Weston as the compositor with the Weston RDP backend - See the WSLg Architecture Blog Post for more details. Commented Mar 25 at 20:31


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