Cell A1 contains a long text string. Cells B1:B6 contain various shorter text strings. Cells C1:C6 contain values.

I want to search the string in cell A1 for partial matches in any of the strings from range B1:B6, and for all such partial matches, return the corresponding value from range C1:C6.

=FILTER(C1:C6,ISNUMBER(SEARCH(A1,B1:B6))) returns the appropriate value(s) when one or more strings in range B1:B6 matches the string in cell A1 exactly, but returns no value in the case of a partial match. =FILTER(C1:C6,ISNUMBER(SEARCH(A1,"*"&B1:B6&"*"))) yields the same result.

Any tips on where to go from here would be appreciated.

  • Should be like this : =FILTER(C1:C6,ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*"&B1:B6&"*",A1))) Commented Mar 19 at 0:02
  • Why it should be like the one I have suggested and not like yours because --> You are searching cells B1:B6 shorter text strings within Cell A1, so here, the first arg of SEARCH() say, find_text (B1:B6), within_text (A1). returns the position of the character within the string, if returned then wrap within ISNUMBER() to return TRUE and wrap with FILTER() to return the C1:C6 based on the include Commented Mar 19 at 0:13
  • 1
    Egad, you're right. I was so close, and yet so far. :) Commented Mar 19 at 17:13
  • You can post this as an answer as well! Commented Mar 20 at 18:51

1 Answer 1


Correct formula should be:


I simply had the "find text" argument and the "within text" argument reversed inside the search function.

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