I have a client whose laptop (Asus GX502) stopped working, and as I fix the laptop he wants his data from his drives, but problem is that when I connected the nvme SSDs (512 GB each) to my test computer, it shows up as a single partition of 1 TB, and to access it I have to format it. I am assuming the configuration is in raid 0. I tried booting from the raid, but it says no bootable device found when I do that. I used a program called reclaime raid recovery to reconstruct the raid, but it says that no raid was detected. I tried a different program called R-Studio, I created a virtual raid, added the two disks to it, and when I try to open the raid it gives me the following error: Virtual Block Raid 1: GPT tables error 0x224.

Can someone please help me get the files?

  • RAID 0 is always a bad idea when using any data that cannot be easily reproduced. To even begin to answer the question we need a bit more information. Is there a hardware raid controller involved? Is this Windows or Linux and how was the raid configured? You will certainly need the exact same hardware/software setup as on the client's laptop to access the array. Please emphasize to you client that raid is not backup and that raid0 doubles your odds of data loss.
    – doneal24
    Commented Mar 14 at 18:37
  • if you're doing this for a client you should out-source this to a data recovery specialist. Commented Mar 15 at 12:02
  • "my test computer, it shows up as a single partition of 1 TB" - add a disk management screenshot of that. Commented Mar 15 at 12:03
  • So Intel Rapid Storage Technology showed me that they are indeed in Raid0, in a failed state, and with stripe size 128. I used that information to reconstruct the raid in R-Studio, and unfortunately it turns out the drive is encrypted with Windows' Bitlocker, and sadly the client does not have the encryption key. Thank you all for the help.
    – aperture
    Commented Mar 16 at 7:54


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