I've been looking for some time now for a way to turn off my computer with a combination of keys, without the need to confirm, or with a simple key confirmation (ex. pressing Enter).

I have a Tuxedo computer with recommended OS, I think it is a mixture of GNOME, Cinnamon and Budgie, I know those are not exactly the same thing but part of the problem is I don't know who's the owner of something specific.

This was for context, and I now it may seem that it deviates from my problem, but now I really want to learn when I press the super key to start a menu and I start typing, where do the search menu results come from?

Screenshot of search results from start menu

The first, "Applications", is from applications installed. The second "Application Actions" is from the desktop files that exist in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications. Where can I find info about the third menu "Actions"?


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