This was working fine until I had to reinstall Windows. If it makes any difference, I chose this time to install Thunderbird portable, and it's currently at v115.8.0

I go "add existing account" and enter my details. Thunderbird recognizes that it's Gmail and fills out the required fields

enter image description here

I click "Done", and it takes me to Gmail for authorization enter image description here

I click "Allow" and now Thunderbird says

enter image description here

The Gmail permissions are fine enter image description here

So, what am I doing wrongly, and how can I fix it? The user name & password are 100% correct. I tried copying them from a text file and logged in ok at gmail.com, but when I past them to Thunderbird, I get the above.


2 Answers 2


From this user support thread in the Mozilla Thunderbird support forums the issue seems to be accepting cookies:

“Open TB Options/Privacy & Security, check the box to accept cookies (so OAuth authentication can complete), remove the passwords from Saved Passwords, restart TB, enter the account password in the OAuth window when prompted. Check also that the authentication on the outgoing gmail server is OAuth2.”


Same issue but no luck with existing fix I found online:

  1. Turn on cookie permission (source)
  2. Remove all related already saved passwords related to the Gmail account (including the SMTP servers even) (source)
  3. Use the app password from Google account (source)
  4. ...

How I solve the issue:

  1. Turn on cookie permissions

  2. Remove existing saved passwords for the Gmail account

  3. Go with normal steps to add Gmail account, can even leave password empty.

  4. Let thunderbird get the default setup for Gmail account

  5. Manually change the IMAP and SMTP authentication method to be "normal password authentication" (this might not be literally the name for that option 'cause I was not using English version) instead of OAuth2.

    The magic happened in my case was that once "normal password authentication" was chosen, the auth page comes up, in which I can input the Google account password to complete the process.

  6. Remove the saved password again (I did this but I don't think this should be required). Then change IMAP and SMTP server config back to use OAuth2 this time.

It took me half day to fix this issue while crawling answers and trying out. Sincerely hope the above steps will help someone.

  • 1
    You are clearly quoting an external resource but you failed to cite your source.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Mar 30 at 17:18
  • 1
    @Ramhound You mean the existing fix I found mentioned in the 1st part?
    – Lanbosudo
    Commented Mar 30 at 17:23
  • I still have the same problem :-(
    – Mawg
    Commented Apr 22 at 20:22

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