new to excel, and trying to do a simple task, where depending on the months in a month range, some percentage will be displayed. However, it's always displaying 0.

Here's a picture to help you understand:

For example, F3 should display 15%

For example, F3 should display 15%

Thanks in advance, and apologies if I'm not using the correct format, it's my first time here.

2 Answers 2


Just found out where the issue was, I had set the type of cell to currency; so I just switched it to percentage and it worked.

Leaving the post in case someone can find it useful.

  • BTW, instead of VLOOKUP() you could use only LOOKUP() function: =IFERROR(LOOKUP(D3,$I$4:$K$6),0) Commented Feb 6 at 23:28
  • Also its not just abt setting the cell formattng as currency bt the decimla places were 0 hence why you were not getting to see the actual values, otherwise it would have shown as $0.15 Commented Feb 6 at 23:31

The actual reason the VLOOKUP() returned value was showing 0 because the decimal places were set to 0 and not just because of the currency type. Cell formatted to as Currency and decimal places were set to 2 it would have shown as $0.15 . VLOOKUP() does work, but its just decimal places which made the difference.

Cell set to 0 decimal places with data type as Currency will show as below, -- Before

enter image description here

Cell set to 2 decimal places with data type as Currency will shows as below, -- After

enter image description here

One needs to change the cell data type to Percentage as well as keep the decimals places to at least 2

enter image description here

BTW, since its an approximate match operation, instead of VLOOKUP() one can use LOOKUP() function as well:

enter image description here

=IFERROR(LOOKUP([@[Meses vencimiento]],$I$4:$K$6),0)

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