I'm following along this tutorial to learn CMake.

In the tutorial, the instructor demonstrates encapsulating the setting of a CMake variable (i.e. a -D command line argument) in the Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > CMake > Profiles section of the CLion IDE. (I believe it is the same as is documented here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/cmake-profile.html)

If I understand correctly, a "profile", in this context, is a container to group various CMake-related settings, such as toolchain and CMake options, in an enumerated manner. (By enumerate, I mean, I can have one "profile" named FOO that sets toolchain as msvc.exe and CMake options as -DMYVAR="foo", and another profile named BAR that sets toolchain as msvc.exe and CMake options as -DMYVAR="bar", etc.)

My question is: does Visual Studio Code have this same concept of a CMake "profile"?
I'd like to understand whether this concept of a "CMake profile" is an aspect of CMake itself, or an aspect of the IDE/development environment.


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