I have realized the following annoying behavior from Mac OS. Suppose the following situation:

  1. Open app A on Desktop 1 (window A1)
  2. Move to Desktop 2
  3. Open app B on Desktop 2
  4. Open another window of app A on Desktop 2 (window A2)
  5. Close window A2

What mac OS does after closing window A2 to is to switch automatically to Desktop 1. This is particularly annoying since you are working on Desktop 2 and would like to remain there.

How to change this behavior?

I am currently using mac OS 14.2, but the solution might be a general setup of Mission Control. However, the options of Mission control found in settings do no explicitly addess this issue.

  • 1
    You're closing one of two windows of an app. The app is currently frontmost… so it switches to the remaining open window for that app. Expected behaviour. Windows in a Mac app are not separate instances of the app, they're multi-document windows to the same app instance.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jan 23 at 17:41
  • However, such behavior is not expected on "Windows OS". For an analogy, try the following on "Windows OS" and on "Mac OS". Work on Desktop 1: open App A (A1), open App B (B1), open another window of App A (A2), close A2. The result on Windows OS is to show B1 because it is the next window in the stack. The result on Mac OS is to show A1. I think that showing the next window in the stack is more "natural", because it relates to a physical stack. This behavior is what I want to turn off, which permeates to a multiple desktop workspace.
    – deps_stats
    Commented Jan 24 at 16:26
  • You're comparing Apples & oranges. The two OSes do not behave in the same way. They are built on different paradigms. You're also trying to use one app across two Spaces - something it was never designed to do.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jan 24 at 16:32


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