I am looking for a new battery for a Gateway MT6839B laptop. The current battery is a 6 cell 6MSBG. A number of replacement battery vendors, including this one, seem to imply that a 12 cell will work as well. On the whole is this the case? Is a 12 cell battery compatible with a machine that was delivered with a 6 cell battery, provided that the voltage/amps/watts/etc (I am not an electrician!) match?

Thanks in advance for any general advice.


2 Answers 2


If the voltage, amperage and wattage is the same, then yes, the battery most likely will be compatible. (capacity (Ah) may vary).

The number of AmpHours (Ah) will indicate how long the battery will last with a full charge. (1000 Ah will last roughly twice as long as 500Ah.)

Do take note of the fact that some manufacturers build in chips into the batteries, causing the laptop to only accept batteries manufactured/approved by the laptop's manufacturer.


Almost always, the 12 cell version has two sets of 6-cell "packs"; so the computer sees it as having a battery that's twice as big (instead of having twice as many).

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