I am trying to change the number of taskbar thumbnails to show before they become a stacked list in windows 10.

I have a 1920X1080 screen so the limit was 16. I created and modified the regedit key "NumThumbnails" and it worked until 19 thumbnails instead of 16 and then it became again a stacked list.

  • 1
    19 is already more than most people have found as their limit...
    – harrymc
    Commented Jan 6 at 19:45
  • 1
    thank you for your answer but as i said i need more than 19,this proves that the regedit worked but there is something else.
    – flwkey12
    Commented Jan 6 at 20:43

1 Answer 1


Yes, the "something else" is a hard coded limit based on some other factor that we do not have access to.

Evidence indicates this is not some wide open configuration: You have a limited number of values you CAN set, and then you are constrained by something you CANNOT set. In your case you've already found the upper limit on your computer.

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