0. How can I disable the Ctrl+Shift+u keyboard shortcut (unicode-selector) in Fedora 39 KDE-Spin (Wayland-Session)?

Whenever I hit this key combination on a GTK+-app, the infamous underlined "u" appears, expexting me to write a number to finally print a unicode-character.

I do not want that as I use Ctrl+Shift+u to underline text especially in LibreOffice.

1. The System:

  • Fedora 39 KDE-Spin (Gnome is not and hasn't been installed on the system prior). All updates are up to date.
  • Wayland Session
  • Input method: the "Input Method Selector"-App says "No input method".
  • ibus is installed but the ibus-daemon is not running (-> but see "4." down below)

2. Affected GTK+-apps

2.1. Affected apps with the Unicode-selector appearing:


  • Wayland: Gnome Document-Scanner, Celluliod, dconf-Editor


  • Wayland: Firefox, Thunderbird, Libreoffice, Vivaldi, Xournal++, Joplin, Flatseal

2.2. Slighty differently affected apps #1 - when hitting the key-combination the keyboard stops accepting input unless I hit "esc". Remarkably the problem does not occur as long as the ibus-daemon is running (for I have deleted the combination in the "ibus-setup".):


  • XWayland: GIMP

2.3. Slightly differently affected apps #2 - when hitting the key-combination the keyboard stops accepting input unless I hit "esc". In contrast to (2.2) the problem persists wether the ibus-daemon is running or not:


  • Wayland: Inkscape

3. NOT affected by the Problem are the following Apps. These Apps do not show the unicode-selector nor stop accepting keyboard-input when hitting the combination:


  • XWayland: VLC (unsure if GTK+ ?)


  • Wayland: Pinta, Nextcloud-Desktop-Client (unsure is GTK+ ?)

(and all other non-GTK+-Apps, eg. Dolphin, KWrite, Okular,...)

4. Unsatisfying workaround:

4.1 Set the following environment variables in "~/.bashrc":

export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus

4.2. Re-login with your user.

4.3. Start the ibus-daemon.

4.4. => Results: unless in Inkscape (Flatpak, XWayland -> see above "2.3") neither the unicode-selector appears anymore nor do the programs stop accepting keyboard inputs.

4.5. There has to be a solution without running ibus just to delete the combination in ibus. As the problem occurs without ibus it should not be related to ibus in the first place, right?

5. Other unsuccessful attempts:

5.1. The combination is not assigned to any function in the KDE System Settings, so I wasn't able to delete it from a potentially existing function in the KDE System Settings. However I tried to assign it to a KDE System function and it worked: I assigned it to the "expand windows vertically"-function just to see the result and all programs obeyed the KDE System Settings assignment and expanded vertically. As soon as I deleted the combination from the "expand windows vertically"-function again, the problem occured again.

5.2. I also could not find any assignment with the dconf-editor.

Thank You very much in advance and have happy holidays!

1 Answer 1


KDE usually ships with the fcitx5 input method. To configure, try System Settings -> Regional Settings -> Input Method -> configure addons (near the bottom)

Look for Unicode. You can rebind this by clicking the configure button, or check Show Advance options at the bottom and disable it.

here is an image

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