For all Device Drivers, the WindowsUpdate stores the Driver Title along with its unique update-id in the path C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log. In recent versions of windows (8 and above), this log is being generated by the power shell command Get-WindowsUpdateLog.

A sample WindowsUpdate.log Driver Title and its update-id from my system is below

2023-12-02 17:15:11.5213155 148   8072  Agent             Title = Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - Display - 31.0.12027.9001
2023-12-02 17:15:11.5213175 148   8072  Agent             UpdateId = 96941A83-1B8F-430C-96A5-9522B8586A19.1

The Microsoft Update Catalog website offers search based on update-id as through the following link


So, to download device driver packages, to be used for later use, i used to go to C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log (Generated by Get-WindowsUpdateLog during recent times) and watch for driver titles and their update ids below. Then i used to search for the driver page in microsoft update catalog and download precisely that particular driver.

Say, for example, for the following title in WindowsUpdate.log

2023-12-02 17:15:11.5213155 148   8072  Agent             Title = Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - Display - 31.0.12027.9001
2023-12-02 17:15:11.5213175 148   8072  Agent             UpdateId = 96941A83-1B8F-430C-96A5-9522B8586A19.1

the relevant search webpage link for microsoft update catalog used to be


But, when i open this link, the website says update requested could not be found.

And if I search Microsoft Update Catalog website with the driver title, none of the results include the update id shown by the WindowsUpdate.log


for the above listed title Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - Display - 31.0.12027.9001, the search


gives three results, but none of them include the specific update-id (96941A83-1B8F-430C-96A5-9522B8586A19) shown from WindowsUpdate.log

Driver Title Search Results (sorry, can't post images)

So, How to download precisely these specific update-id based driver packages, that WindowsUpdate downloads, to be used for further clean installations of the same OS?

1 Answer 1


That driver shows up at https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=AMD%20radeon%20display%20driver, along with other AMD drivers:

Finding AMD Driver

Or just enter the driver ID: https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=31.0.12027.9001. Simply enter the ID in the Search box.

The internet changes; keeping an old link may not work. As Heraclitus stated, ""δὶς ἐς τὸν αὐτὸν ποταμὸν ο���κ ἂν ἐμβαίης," i.e., "Your browser cannot intercept the same stream twice."

  • updated question to better mention the issue. the exact updateid of the driver shown from windowsupdate log is not available in microsoft update catalog.
    – tmpuser
    Commented Dec 4, 2023 at 23:36
  • Likely the exact update with GUID {96941A83-1B8F-430C-96A5-9522B8586A19} has been pulled (e.g., due to issues) or it has been assigned a new GUID. In fact , a web search for just that GUID found only your question! So search on the update ID, 31.0.12027.9001. Commented Dec 5, 2023 at 16:44
  • Its only been a couple of days, since i freshly installed windows and did this. If it is pulled it must be many days ago. So, is it possible for pulled update guid to be displayed in windowsupdatelog ? If its assigned/superseded with a new GUID, how would i find the new GUID ?
    – tmpuser
    Commented Dec 5, 2023 at 17:52
  • With the above example, there are only 3 results, and its easy to try them. But, the issue happens with many other drivers too. With some drivers, whose titles are very generic, there are like hundred plus results, and manually downloading the correct compatible driver could be very hard.
    – tmpuser
    Commented Dec 5, 2023 at 17:56

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