I want to build darktable from source w/ homebrew, like so: doc on Github. I have installed homebrew (step 0). Now I'm stuck at the first step where I need to install ''required homebrew packages'', i.e. 1_install_hb_dependencies.sh which points me to a shell script in the repository.

How do I install that 1_install_hb_dependencies.sh and where?

I unsuccessfully tried a few things like brew install and brew tap -new. But I'm new to homebrew and don't want to break things (which I think I have managed to do with hb before).

It might be the case that I'm misunderstanding all this and I need to run the script that's in ``1_install_hb_dependencies.shin order to install those dependencies. I.e. something like this:bash <(curl -s https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/blob/master/packaging/macosx/1_install_hb_dependencies.sh)inspired from [StackExchange][3]. This didn't work (also tried withsourceinstead ofbash```.

Any help appreciated -- thanks!

Edit: I tried curl -s -L https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/blob/master/packaging/macosx/1_install_hb_dependencies.sh -o 1_install_hb_dependencies.sh inspired by this issue. But now I'm stuck again not knowing how to run it. brew install doesn't do it. Neither are bash ./1_install_hb_dependencies.sh.

Edit 2: Since curl didn't really get me the .sh file but only some kind of response, I downloaded 1_install_hb_dependencies.sh straight from Github and did chmod +x 1_install_hb_dependencies.sh. However, brew install 1_install_hb_dependencies.sh still doesn't work.


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