I recently created a VMWARE ESXI Server for the sole purpose of splitting the software's I need into their required operating systems, but there's an issue, The software's that need to be run are single user use ONLY, meaning that only 1 user can use this at a time if any other user try's to run it, it would either not open or give an error till the other one is closed... So is there any way to create separate instances for each user that connects to the VMware so that they can use the software without problem? Looking for a solution that is support by windows 98/xp/7 as those are the softwares

Edit for easier understanding : What I’m basically trying to say here is either a way to crack the termserv.dll in the windows directory to be able to login multiple Rdp connection to a single user meaning 3-4 people using the same user but having their own instances, or a way for those 3-4 users to have their own instance meaning their own separate account logged in with no other accounts login to be able to run those single user use applications without issue

What I’m mainly trying to look for is concurrent Rdp sessions for a single user account having their own instance

I need something like this but on normal windows https://superuser.com/questions/442882/does-windows-allow-multiple-remote-logins-to-the-same-account-at-the-same-time#:~:text=Yes%20it's%20possible%2C%20if%20you,concurrent%20remote%20sessions%20for%20users.

Hopes his helps understand my question well

  • Please explain better what you mean when you say this software is "single use only". Is that a license limit and it checks for available licenses before allowing the software to run, or is it seeing the process running on the same computer already, or something else? Commented Oct 14, 2023 at 5:19
  • by "Single use only" I meant was it was only used for single users ONLY As in if it is opened in one user the other users won't be able to use it since its already active and opened, there is no license limit but I believe it maybe looking for process running already on the same VMware. Commented Oct 14, 2023 at 6:10
  • So it is a remote or virtualized application, like a Citric app? That sounds like a server config issue, and something that needs to be far better expounded and explained in the question. Commented Oct 15, 2023 at 2:18
  • It’s a VMware containing windows xp pro sp3 so I doesn’t seem like a server issue let me edit my question for easier understanding Commented Oct 15, 2023 at 13:23
  • I suspect you are looking for Terminal Services in Windows Server.
    – pbies
    Commented Oct 15, 2023 at 13:32

1 Answer 1


There is no way to actually bypass the restriction for apps, you can have concurrent user logins in windows server (legally) in a single and other users as well. BUT it does the same thing whether your on another user, it's not possible unless you edit or do something in its database, I believe.

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