I'm using LO and specifically LO Writer.

In a document which is otherwise black on white, I want to highlight the occasional word by having it in white text on a black background. When I do this simply by changing the highlight colour and the font colour, the black box created is only slightly larger than the white text. Is there a setting I can use to adjust the size of the black box, for example to give it an extra 1mm margin on each side?

1 Answer 1


No sooner do I post the question, but I find the answer. It's as follows.

You can do this by

  • choosing white as the font colour,

  • using Format | Character | Borders to set a border with margins of a width you define, e.g. 1mm, and in a colour you define, here black, and

  • choose the background colour, here black, using Format | Character | Highlighting and it will fill the whole of the box you just created.

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