I wonder what I am doing wrong or whether the search bar has changed. I need to make a search from the search bar of the Windows Explorer that puts out only folders. There is quite some rough research done up to now, which did not lead to a working outcome.

Super User SE:

Serverfault SE:

Though it is likely that this is a (cross-site) duplicate, I still try this, since I did not find out what to do after some tries.

I tried:

* kind:folder
* kind:folders
kind:folder *
kind:folders *

But until now, the only way to get them is to search for *.* and get the folders at the beginning of the output of that.

How can I search only for directories that are in the directory that I am in, just with the search bar of the Windows File Explorer?

2 Answers 2


Either by using the search options "Kind" dropdown

or in the search bar directly:


(if you use the dropdown, it just adds that text to the search bar for you)


There is a trick that is not in the search bar.

In the menu, choose View -> Details

Click on the Dropdown menu and checkmark "File folder"

enter image description here

Afterwards, you will see only folders in the directory that you are in. If you then search *.* in the search bar:

enter image description here

you will get only folders in the search output:

enter image description here


enter image description here

Taken from How to search for files, but not folders?

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