I have to regularly kill my tomcat service on a windows server 2019 in order to transfer new data into an MSSQL database. I have administrator privilages and have tried all methods I know to stop the service indefinately.

  1. start cmd as Administrator > taskkill /F /PID pid_number
  2. start cmd as Administrator >taskkill /IM “process name” /F
  3. start services.msc as Administrator > stop service
  4. process explorer > kill process However, after stopping the service it starts again about 1-2 minutes later.

What could be monitoring the tomcat service and starts it again?

1 Answer 1


Windows will automatically restart it because it is a service, and Windows is trying to keep it up and running. I suggest that you run services.msc and stop the service there. Then Windows will shut it down and keep it down until you start the service again.

I generally use Get-Service, Stop-Service, and Start-Service in Powershell because it is easier for me than finding the service I'm looking for in a long list.


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