On MacOS, is there a way to add a shortcut that will quickly search for all PDFs in a selected folder? More specifically, I'd like a shortcut* that, when a folder is selected in Finder, will search that folder and return all the PDF files contained in that folder.

My thinking is that this could be done using either a script or the Mac Automator App. My use case is the following: I have folders containing multiple PDFs in different subdirectories, and it is time-consuming to individually click through all of these subddirectories to preview and compare each PDF.

*shortcut = keyboard shortcut, right-click option, service, etc.


1 Answer 1


You really don't need a shortcut. It is so easy to do in Finder.

  1. Navigate to the folder;
  2. Click the search icon at the top of the window;
  3. Type PDF; and
  4. Select PDF Document in the drop down.

You can condense steps 3 and 4 to just:

  1. Type kind:PDF (more keystrokes, less clicks)

Having got your list of all PDFs:

  • Optionally add extra columns.
  • Sort by selecting a column header.

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