I'm trying to move from iterm2 to warp, but one thing that I can't get working, which is quite crucial for me, is the kube-ps1 project. What it does is to make the current Kubernetes context visible at the prompt like this:

enter image description here

In iterm2, this indicates that I'm in the "prod" Kubernetes context. I'm using Oh My Zsh in iterm2, and just installed it using the docs on the page:

brew install kube-ps1

I've then done the following since I'm using zsh (ohmyzsh):


PROMPT='$(kube_ps1)'$PROMPT # or RPROMPT='$(kube_ps1)'

In iterm2, it now works correctly (after running kubeon) and I can see the kubernetes context in the prompt, but it doens't seem to work in Warp.

I've also tried this:

$ source /opt/homebrew/Cellar/kube-ps1/0.8.0/share/kube-ps1.sh
PROMPT='$(kube_ps1)'$PROMPT # or RPROMPT='$(kube_ps1)'

But I still doesn't work. How I can get kube-ps1 to work in Warp?

1 Answer 1


There's a setting you have to enable to turn on custom prompts in warp. As of this writing it's in Settings -> Features -> Session -> "Honor user's custom prompt (PS1)" Warp Custom Prompt docs


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