How to use notepad++ in WinPE and show the tree view.

When using notepad++ in WinPE (64bit version) it doesn't show the tree view. Neither it shows the open dialog.

Also other programms like e.g. explorer++ don't show the tree view.

This is not a duplicate of Show files in Navigation Pane (Tree View) in Windows Explorer?

I've tried the instructions in Show files in Navigation Pane (Tree View) in Windows Explorer? but it doesn't work in WinPE

  • Not a specific answer.. but try Hiren's fancy schmancy free and legal version of the windows PE environment. It has everything you can think of and the treeview does indeed work. We use it at work for troubleshooting. Commented Jul 13, 2023 at 13:19

1 Answer 1


In notepad++ community forum there is a thread explaining why it probably won't work in WinPE: see WinPE File Explorer not working

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