OS: Windows 10

their sites seems to give only latest version, install file

after searching a-lot, i found, chocolatey might have older version

and i tried installing from Chocolatey , keeps giving error.

[Warning] Failed to install "neo4j-community", Errors: ["ERROR: The remote file either doesn't exist, is unauthorized, or is forbidden for url 'http://neo4j.com/artifact.php?name=neo4j-community-windows.zip'.

Chocolatey installed 0/1 packages. 1 packages failed. See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).", "Failures", " - neo4j-community (exited 404) - Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\neo4j-community\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'.

contradict to first error: The remote file actually exist, can be downloaded from browser,.. [No firewall blocking]

haven't found a solution to second error.

Is there any other way to install old neo4j

  • why do you keep on changing the question to something completely new?! A new question should be asked separately. Commented Jul 30, 2023 at 13:01

3 Answers 3


The download links they have on their site include the version in the link (For example, this is the link for the Windows Executable of Neo4j Community Edition 5.9.0: go.neo4j.com/download-thanks.html?edition=community&release=5.9.0&flavour=winzip).

You can simply change the URL to any release version that they had, and it will download the specific version. So for 3.3.9 (of Neo4j Community Edition) use https://neo4j.com/download-thanks/?edition=community&release=3.3.9&flavour=winzip

Once downloaded you can run/install it using the included executables and .bat scripts, see https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/installation/windows/

  • @new I rolled back your "updated" question. Your old question was answered here very well. If you have a new question (which is what your "edit" was, it completely changed what you were asking) then press Ask Question and post a new question (if you want you can mention in the new question that it follows this one and why this thing didn't help you accomplish that goal) Commented Jul 20, 2023 at 15:17
  • oh, OK. :-].. will do that, Thanks ;;
    – new
    Commented Jul 20, 2023 at 15:28
  • @new Any BTW, if I answered your question here (where I think I did) you should consider accepting my answered by ticking the checkmark to the left of the answer Commented Jul 20, 2023 at 15:53
  • yes, your answer did help, Thanks For That, but i found, out i was trying wrong thing, now, i need to use latest version of neo4j. with some tweaks, thats why i had changed question, thats all..
    – new
    Commented Jul 21, 2023 at 14:52

You can use Docker, which goes as far back as Neo4j 3.1.9


Also you can try link of this form: http://dist.neo4j.org/neo4j-community-3.15.0-windows.zip

https://neo4j.com/download-thanks/?edition=community&release=3.3.9&flavour=winzip is not working for me

Similar SO question here.

  • While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. - From Review
    – Toto
    Commented Nov 28, 2023 at 15:53
  • I have no idea where this link has appeared, I haven't seen neo4j docs mention anything like that, and I've included a reference to a different SO question where I've got this link. Commented Nov 28, 2023 at 16:21

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